Eco Schools
This year, we are working hard to maintain our 'Green Flag' status and continuing to be a greener, more eco-friendly and efficient school where our actions help the environment and make us more aware of the world around us.
We are focusing on the following areas:
1) Transport
2) Litter
3) Outdoor Learning
Recently, some people in our class wrote speeches to convince the rest of us to choose them and be voted the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and two secretarial roles within the Eco-Committee.
Our Eco-council committee nominated representatives as follows:
Joing Chairperson: Matthew and Olivia
Note-takers/secretaries: Conall, Eunan, Olivia and Alana
As the P7 class, we are the Eco-Committee representatives for our school. We will meet and discuss our progress and ideas regularly...we have plenty of ideas and fun activities planned for the year ahead!
P1-P6 pupils - if you have any ideas or suggestions, the Primary 7 Eco-Committee would love to hear them. Feel free to let us know your thoughts on how we can help the environment and have fun at the same time!
Primary 7
Events throughout this school year:
We are teamed with with Sustrans Active School Travel for the next 3 years, trying to encourage all pupils to walk to school on a more regular basis!
Our Sustrans officer Aidan visited our KS2 children recently, teaching them the history of the bike and awarding prizes in each class! Check out the pictures!
We had a 'Road Safety' workshop with Aidan for Primary 5-7 pupils on Thursday 8th February!
Primary 5 started to clear around the Polytunnel and garden area ahead of our 'Big Spring Clean Up' on Wednesday 13th March!
St John's Primary School, 15 Benburb Road Moy Dungannon BT71 7SQ Telephone: (028) 8778 4489